Oldtimer (OLD) Token exist in forms of ERC-20 Token and Nuls Token. In these forms, OLD is based on the Ethereum Blockchain MainNet and Nuls network.
Important announcement:
Our development team will create an additional Oldtimer (OLD) token on the Telos EVM blockchain Mainnet which will have a DAO smart contract too.

A total of 100 million tokens will be issued.
Oldtimer (OLD) Token Information on Ethereum network:
Contract: 0x6E514DE4c2675feeb51d759977B4222Dc65556AF
Symbol: OLD
Decimals: 4
Total Supply: 100,000,000 OLD
Oldtimer (OLD) Token Information on Nuls network:
Contract: NULSd6HgmWcJ6UHi94zCrY3DqcDemrEXADwTY
Symbol: OLD
Decimals: 8
Total Supply: 100,000,000 OLD
On Ethplorer and Etherscan, You can find all transfers & holders related to Oldtimer (OLD) Token (Ethereum network).
You can use Lumi Wallet , TrustWallet , imToken & Huobi Wallet to manage your OLD (Ethereum network) asset:
You can also extend your browser with MetaMask, to manage your OLD tokens (Ethereum network).
On NulScan.io, You can find all transfers & holders related to Oldtimer (OLD) Token (Nuls network).
You can use Nabox to manage your OLD (Nuls network) asset.
Supported exchanges: